At the start of my career after college, I kept my work email open all day, so that I could respond immediately whenever anyone sent me an email about anything. That’s what conscientious people do, right? Well, my perspective shifted one day after I was accidentally cc’ed on an email by one of my clients…. [Read More]
The Worst (and Most Common) Eating Habit
I recently joined a group of friends for dinner at Matchbox, a “vintage pizza bistro.” Before our waiter took our orders, one of my friends announced to the group that he would be ordering a salad instead of a pizza. He was headed to the Caribbean the following week, and he was cutting back on… [Read More]
How To Bounce Back Quickly After A Setback
A few years ago, I attended a two-day workshop that was led by Senn Delaney, the culture shaping unit of Heidrick & Struggles. During the program, we discussed the power of managing your emotional energy- a very important topic that many people never consider. Up until that point of my life, I typically got irritated… [Read More]
Don’t Just Do A Gratitude Journal. Do This.
There are many people who are writing and speaking these days about the benefits of keeping a daily gratitude journal. If you are not familiar with this habit, it is very simple. You take a few minutes each day to write down a few things that you are thankful for. Expressing gratitude can certainly improve… [Read More]
Break A Habit or Make A Habit by Starting a Streak
Cal Ripken, Jr. holds a Major League Baseball (MLB) record for playing in 2,632 consecutive games between 1982 and 1998. To put the magnitude of his achievement into context, consider this fact. Other MLB players made more than 5,000 separate trips to the disabled list (DL) during this timeframe, [1] and players on the disabled list generally… [Read More]
Don’t Set A New Year’s Resolution To Get Healthier. Do This.
People who attend the group exercise classes that I teach often tell me that they avoid them in January since they know the classes will be more crowded than usual. “I’ll see you in February,” one man once said to me in late December. “The New Year’s Resolutions crowd will be cleared out by then,”… [Read More]
The Most Important Hour Of Your Weekends
Life moves fast. You can end up way off-course if you don’t stop frequently along the way to make sure that you are headed where you want to be. It has been estimated that over 90% of all New Year’s Resolutions and other change efforts fail. One key reason why this happens is that few… [Read More]
Why Working Shorter Hours Can Make You More Productive
Many bosses and companies send a message to their employees that working longer hours will help you get ahead. It seems logical that working longer would help you get more done. Is this assumption really accurate though? What if you could actually become more productive by working shorter hours? Experiments by Harvard Business School Harvard… [Read More]
How to Exercise Before Work, Even If You’re Not A Morning Person
Back in 2013, I decided to adopt the habit of exercising every day before work. You can click here for a separate article that I wrote on why morning exercise is on one of the strongest habits that you can form. In this article, you’ll learn four secrets on how to exercise before work, even… [Read More]
The 3 Biggest Benefits of Exercising Before Work
If you had told me right after college to start exercising before work, I would have told you, “No thanks!” At that time, I never would have predicted that I’d eventually become an advocate of morning exercise. However, I changed my schedule back in 2013, and I’ve worked out religiously before work since then. These… [Read More]